The TRUTH that every executive needs to know about performance & growth.

This presentation – structured as a murder mystery game – is designed to be the most valuable training of every business executives' career.

From Dale Henry, the founder of Critical Insight Group, one of North America's premier business performance advisors (worked with over 50 Fortune 500 companies and countless small & mid-sized businesses).

Before starting the presentation, download your 'game card' to follow along.

Download your Game Card

On average, your (unknown) 'Silent Killer' costs include...


40% People's Productivity

You think your leaders are 'fine', but...
your employees think they micro-manage, play favorites, and only care about advancing their own careers.


50% Revenue Growth

You have a 94% - 99% chance you need to be better at developing your leaders. Why?
To improve the performance of your company!
How? Adopt a leadership model.


60% Annual Profits

9 out of 10 companies struggle to develop the leaders they need at all levels of their organization; and say that this impacts every other aspect of their businesses.


The 'Silent Killer' presentation explains it all.

Presentation highlights

(click on image to expand)

Your Solution.

Structure: A simple 4-step program for executives and senior leaders.

(The first 3 steps are completely free.)

click on image below to expand

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