Activate Your Real World Superpowers
This program gives you the step-by-step training on exactly how to identify, develop and leverage your personal strengths - to the point they feel & perform like real world superpowers - to multiply your success in pursuit of your goals and dreams.
It's presented by one of North America's premier experts in strengths-based performance, Dale Henry. Dale has improved the performance over 1.2 million employees with some of the very best companies across the country (including over 50 Fortune 500 companies). This is your opportunity to work directly with Dale, and get exactly the same information, examples, and exercises that until now have been available only to his personal coaching clients (who pay thousands of dollars to work with him).
The complete 65 page (downloadable) workbook is also included in this online version of the program.
Here's Everything You Get (ALL the details):
Intro Content
This section provides valuable background information regarding strengths-based performance (and performance in general) and runs you through a few 'warm-up' exercises to prepare you to get the most from the training.
A personal welcome from Dale Henry; a quick history of the strengths-based performance movement; who gets the most from the program; how the program works (the multiple options). (video: 9 minutes)
Program Introduction
This module introduces the 'Foundational Law of Performance' along with the 3 main concepts within the program. It also provides the detailed structure of the program to help you navigate it so you get the most from your investment. It also introduces the Real World Superhero Academy Motto. (video: 13 minutes)
Creative Warm-up
This module presents the creative power of human imagination and runs you through 2 quick warm-up exercises to get you in the right mindset to get the best experience from the program. Don't miss out! (video: 11 minutes)
Part I: Identifying Your True Strengths
This section begins by explaining the tremendous power of playing to your strengths, defines what strengths are, what the 3 elements are that make them up (and the important characteristics of each), and how to identify and describe your unique strengths.
1 - WHY Strengths?
This module presents the foundational law that drives the tremendous power of playing to your strengths. Once you understand this law and how it applies to your strengths, you'll know what most never realize...and it's the basis that drives the entire strengths-based performance model. (video: 11 minutes)
2 - What Are STRENGTHS?
This module provides a valuable 'working' definition of a 'strength' and the 3 key elements that make them up. It also provide the critical characteristics of each element. Once you understand these components you can not only clear define your current strengths, but also 'manufacture' new ones. (video: 14 minutes)
3 - What Are TALENTS?
Talents - the first ingredient of a strength. Our talents define us; they tell us who we are; they are core to our personality. They also define our personal 'strategic advantage' - something that others simply cannot copy. (video: 17 minutes)
4 - DISCOVER Your Unique Talents
Here we start doing the work. In this module you'll take the StrengthsFinder assessment and review your Signature Themes report to understand your 'top 5' talent themes and what they say about you. (video: 1 minute)
5 - PERSONALIZE Your Talents
Here's where your journey continues on where all others leave off. Who says we have to simply accept what StrengthsFinder say about us. Being 1 in 33,000,000 is great...but we can do better. Instead, let's do a little work and be '1 in the history of the world'! In this module you learn the 4 step process of 'personalizing' your top 5 talents themes so they completely and uniquely describe you. (video: 5 minutes)
6 - Identify/Define YOUR STRENGTHS
This module takes you from your 'personalized' talents (adds knowledge and skills) to your truly unique personal strengths. There's a little magic involved, but understanding and being able to describe your strengths and the value you bring to others is tremendously important. And something very few people can actually do. (video: 10 minutes)
7 - BONUS: 5 Strategies to Mitigate WEAKNESSES
Strengths are the focus of 'strengths-based performance', but weaknesses were never intended to be ignored. This module covers our weaknesses, almost never addressed in strengths training. It presents the 5 strategies to effectively mitigate your weaknesses so they don't negatively impact your results and will no longer hold you back. It's far easier than most people imagine. (video: 6 minutes)
8 - Part I: Wrap-up
This module summarizes what you've learned and done in Part I, before moving on to Part II. You've already gone well beyond where all others leave off. Now catch your breath and let's continue on. Part II is absolutely amazing! Note: There is not a worksheet for this review module. (video: 2 minutes)
Part II: From Strengths to Superpowers & Mission
This section goes far beyond anything you've learn before about strengths (and adds quite a bit of fun!). Here you'll learn how to develop your strengths way beyond anything you currently imagine - the 4 strategies to transform strengths into real world superpowers - as well as adding how your strengths are the basis for identifying your potential, your purpose (superhero mission), and even your 'sweet spot'. It even covers how to create your (real world) superhero identity and anthem (a.k.a. tagline). It's really your personal branding - your 'highest distinctive value'.
9 - Real World SUPERPOWERS
This module introduces Real World Superpowers and the 4 key strategies for moving from strengths to superpowers. Just imagine that possibilities! And they're real... (video: 7 minutes)
10 - POSITIONING to Your Powers
This module presents positioning to your strengths - for immediate performance improvement. Over 80% of people, don't use their strengths in their daily work...over 80%. In this module you'll learn why and how taking the time to intentionally leverage your strengths/talents can dramatically increase your results. (video: 15 minutes)
11 - Positioning to VALUE
This module covers improving your results by focusing on performing the most valuable work possible. You're also introduced to the 'Business Value Hierarchy' as the basis for evaluating and selecting how you invest your time and energy to get the greatest return. (video: 13 minutes)
12 - Become EXCEPTIONAL! (Grow)
Personal growth is the greatest difference between successful and unsuccessful people. This module focuses on the important of personal growth and how to use it to become exceptional at what you do. This module includes the 3 major strategies for the most effective personal growth plans. (video: 23 minutes)
This module presents the final aspect of moving from strengths to superpowers: getting the rewards that you want. What good is it to be great at something, if you're not getting rewarded in a way that is meaningful (and worth it) to you? This module covers how to ensure you're getting what you really want from what you much in fact that it creates that 'behavioral craving' to continue doing what you do. (video: 3 minutes)
Okay, this is just Super Fun! This module present the final two pieces around superpowers - coming up with your superhero 'alias' (a.k.a. superhero identity) and your anthem (or tagline). It's also surprising the dramatic positive impact on your self-image and self-esteem that these two things have. (video: 7 minutes)
15 - BONUS: Putting it all Together: Superhero MISSION
Your superhero mission is the culmination of your work so far, plus what this module adds: your potential, your purpose, and your 'sweet-spot'. All of that is covered in this final module. (video: 13 minutes)
16 - Part II: Wrap-up & Launch
This module wraps-up the program and reviews your amazing journey. It also introduces the "Super-power-full Teams" program and the full Real World Superhero Academy Coaching Adventure. (video: 3 minutes)
The 65 page workbook (study guide) that includes all the program information, exercises and examples is downloadable either as one consolidated workbook; or the individual worksheets for each module can be downloaded separately.
Begin your journey to a better future today. Pick the package that will work best for you!